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Coils 0.1.49rc89 Uploaded

OpenGroupware Coils 0.1.49rc89 has been uploaded to Sourceforge and PyPI

EDDP: Auto Filing

For many applications the simplest solution for capturing documents is to define a static upload target. But it may also be advantageous to structure the documents into a hierarchy based upon a specified criteria. EDDP provides a solution for this use-case by supporting document auto-filing; documents uploaded to a folder can be refiled into a folder hierarchy once the document is successfully committed. Auto-filing occurs both when a document is created or when a new document revision is created (the document is updated); in either case a new document is created at the target path from the appropriate revision of the source document.

Document Auto Print

Whenever a document is created or modified the auto-print service checks to see if an auto-print queue has been defined on the corresponding folder hierarchy; defining an auto-print target on a folder enables auto-print for that folder and all subordinate folders. Auto-printing is provided by the coils.blob.autoprint service which must be running on a server node for which the IPP server specified by the DefaultIPPServer server default is reachable.

EDDP: Special Processing

The ultimate EDDP [Event Driven Document Processing] feature provided by OpenGroupware Coils is that of Special Processing. By linking EDDP into the power of the OpenGroupware Integration Engine the potential use-cases are almost limitless.

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