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EDDP: Auto Filing

For many applications the simplest solution for capturing documents is to define a static upload target. But it may also be advantageous to structure the documents into a hierarchy based upon a specified criteria. EDDP provides a solution for this use-case by supporting document auto-filing; documents uploaded to a folder can be refiled into a folder hierarchy once the document is successfully committed. Auto-filing occurs both when a document is created or when a new document revision is created (the document is updated); in either case a new document is created at the target path from the appropriate revision of the source document.

Document Auto Print

Whenever a document is created or modified the auto-print service checks to see if an auto-print queue has been defined on the corresponding folder hierarchy; defining an auto-print target on a folder enables auto-print for that folder and all subordinate folders. Auto-printing is provided by the coils.blob.autoprint service which must be running on a server node for which the IPP server specified by the DefaultIPPServer server default is reachable.

EDDP: Special Processing

The ultimate EDDP [Event Driven Document Processing] feature provided by OpenGroupware Coils is that of Special Processing. By linking EDDP into the power of the OpenGroupware Integration Engine the potential use-cases are almost limitless.

EDDP: Page Bursting

One form of EDDP (Event Driven Document Processing) is "Page Bursting". Page bursting is only applicable to PDF documents [at least as of the current version]. The purpose of page bursting a document is to decompose a multi-page document into single page documents allowing each page to be easily reviewed individually. One use case is to scan a large collection of invoices, workorders, receipts, on a document center using a document feeder.

EDDP: Event Driven Document Processing

OpenGroupware Coils provides support for Event Driven Document Processing (EDDP). EDDP exploits the OpenGroupware's underlying message oriented model to allow for rapidly and efficiently performing transactions based upon document creation or modification. All entity related events are announced on the server's entity event exchange for any interested component to receive - events related to documents are collected by the coils.blob.event component.

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