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Easy StandardXML To JSON

Recemt commits to OpenGroupware Coils add a new jsonWriteAction action for OIE workflows. OIE has long had readJSON for serializing arbitrary JSON documents into XML. jsonWriteAction adds the ability to serialize StandardXML data into JSON documents [provided all the data-types represented in the StandardXML document can be persisted in JSON]. Date and date time values will be serialized as strings in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format; date values will have a time value of "00:00:00'".

SQL Operation Filtering

Performing export-transform-load type workflows starting with XLS, delimited, of fixed-record length files using OpenGroupware Coil's Integration Engine is simple; just define the format using a Format Definition and perform a read action. After that the resulting StandardXML can be channeled into your RDBMS using sqlInsertAction, sqlUpsertAction, etc... Such straight forward ETLs are almost trivial.

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