published by whitemice on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 09:18
The expectation is that users creating tasks will archive those tasks when then are either completed or rejected; this is the completion of the task work-flow. However it may be advantageous, at least for certain kinds of tasks, to ensure that tasks archive at some point even if the owner chooses to ignore them [archiving a task removes it from the executant's task list]. To facilitate auto-archival the configuration document named TaskRetention.yaml exists in project 7,000.
published by whitemice on Sat, 08/22/2015 - 10:46
The OpenGroupware Coils Logic layer provides a simple rule system to help drive tasks along a user work-flow and to facilitate consistency for tasks of a specific type. Use of rules can help simply the logic of client applications and ensure consistent chains of events occur when tasks are modified by multiple applications.
published by whitemice on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 00:00
AttachFS allows operations to be performed on BLOB content using simple HTTP operations such as GET and PUT; without much of the complexity [or the features!] of WebDAV. Most significantly AttachFS allows BLOBs (aka documents) to be manipulated by id rather than path – a simpler approach for a variety of clients and types of applictions. The ability to create and update project documents has been available since the original addition of the AttachFS presentation to the OpenGroupware Coils protocol bundles.