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An Introduction to OIE Tables

The OIE Table entity provides a simple means to embed look-ups, filters, and translations into workflows. The principle of a Table is that it always receives a value and returns a value - a look-up.

Invoking an OIE Route from PHP

The repository not contains a PHP class making it simple to invoke an OIE workflow from PHP. See the oie.php file. Using the OIEProcess class defined in the file processes can be created and the process id and input message UUID known.

The SMTP Listener

Similar to the coils.workflow.9100 service that can deliver raw socket connections into defined workflows OpenGroupware Coils also provides an SMTP listener. The listener enables workflows to receive messages via SMTP; simply configure your MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) to route some prefix such as "ogo" to your OpenGroupware Coils instance and then use plussed address syntax to deliver e-mail messages to specific objects.

Getting A Route's Markup Via AttachFS

AttachFS provides a simple method to retrieve the representation or contents of an entity via a GET request for the object's identifier [even improper entities such as messages and attachments can be retrieved this way]. For simple clients this is often a more straight forward approach than WebDAV.

As of 0.1.49rc70 you can now retrieve the BPML markup of an OIE workflow by requesting the route's object id from AttachFS.

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