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ODBC Support Added To OIE

As of OpenGroupware Coils 0.1.49r112 support for ODBC data sources has been integrated into OIE. These SQL data sources are defined in the OIESQLSources just as PostgreSQL and Informix database connections are. This feature requires the pyodbc module to be installed. The availability of this module on your workflow node can be verified using the coils-dependency-check tool.

Dealing with not so potent Idempotent values.

Idempotent values are hard to come by [in relational database terms these are what we call "primary keys"]; they uniquely identify some record, or value, or object. At least you are certain they do... until they don't. The great big world has a habit of not respecting the idem-potency of what you declare to be idempotent; something out there just recycles it anyway. This is no less true in IT systems like ERP applications than it is anywhere else.

SQL Operation Filtering

Performing export-transform-load type workflows starting with XLS, delimited, of fixed-record length files using OpenGroupware Coil's Integration Engine is simple; just define the format using a Format Definition and perform a read action. After that the resulting StandardXML can be channeled into your RDBMS using sqlInsertAction, sqlUpsertAction, etc... Such straight forward ETLs are almost trivial.

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