published by whitemice on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 14:58
You have a user who's login is "fred" and you wish to add them to the team name "User Support".
published by whitemice on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 14:25
Creation of a process via an HTTP PUT is essentially the same as creation of a route via a WebDAV client as REST is a subset of WebDAV. The input message payload for the process must be PUT as an object named InputMessage in the Route's container. XATTRs (extended attributes) can be set using URL parameters; the ability to set XATTR values is an advantage REST has over most WebDAV clients.
published by whitemice on Thu, 12/28/2017 - 09:43
As of OpenGroupware Coils 0.1.49r112 support for ODBC data sources has been integrated into OIE. These SQL data sources are defined in the OIESQLSources just as PostgreSQL and Informix database connections are. This feature requires the pyodbc module to be installed. The availability of this module on your workflow node can be verified using the coils-dependency-check tool.
published by whitemice on Mon, 08/07/2017 - 06:25
The OIE Table entity provides a simple means to embed look-ups, filters, and translations into workflows. The principle of a Table is that it always receives a value and returns a value - a look-up.
published by whitemice on Mon, 08/07/2017 - 06:10
The repository not contains a PHP class making it simple to invoke an OIE workflow from PHP. See the oie.php file. Using the OIEProcess class defined in the file processes can be created and the process id and input message UUID known.
published by whitemice on Mon, 08/07/2017 - 06:06
Similar to the coils.workflow.9100 service that can deliver raw socket connections into defined workflows OpenGroupware Coils also provides an SMTP listener. The listener enables workflows to receive messages via SMTP; simply configure your MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) to route some prefix such as "ogo" to your OpenGroupware Coils instance and then use plussed address syntax to deliver e-mail messages to specific objects.
published by whitemice on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 09:18
The expectation is that users creating tasks will archive those tasks when then are either completed or rejected; this is the completion of the task work-flow. However it may be advantageous, at least for certain kinds of tasks, to ensure that tasks archive at some point even if the owner chooses to ignore them [archiving a task removes it from the executant's task list]. To facilitate auto-archival the configuration document named TaskRetention.yaml exists in project 7,000.
published by whitemice on Tue, 03/01/2016 - 09:11
While PDF is intended to provide an entirely portable mechanism for exchange of non-trvial documents. However, in practice documents created by the real-world variety of clients almost inevitably contain deviations from the PDF standard which create issues when the document is processed by other applications and platforms. To ensure maximum compatibility the scrub brush feature re-compiles documents on the server using the using the Poppler libraries.
published by whitemice on Sat, 08/22/2015 - 10:46
The OpenGroupware Coils Logic layer provides a simple rule system to help drive tasks along a user work-flow and to facilitate consistency for tasks of a specific type. Use of rules can help simply the logic of client applications and ensure consistent chains of events occur when tasks are modified by multiple applications.
published by whitemice on Fri, 08/07/2015 - 07:32
The OpenGroupware Code repository has been converted from Mercurial to Git. The Mercurial repositories are no longer available.
New Code Repo URLS:
- Read Only : git clone git:// coils-code
- Read/Write : git clone ssh://{USERNAME} coils-code