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OpenGroupware Coils was, initially, a reimplementation of the functionality of OpenGroupware Legacy in the Python language. But this doesn't matter - OpenGroupware Coils aim is to provide the same scope and depth of collaborative features as its parent. This includes contact management (as an excellent foundation for CRM solutions), scheduling / calendaring, task and project management, and document facilities. In addition to these core features OpenGroupware Coils adds a workflow engine for automating and scheduling business and marketing processes - both those originated from within groupware and those initiated externally; this feature is known as the OpenGroupware Integration Engine (or "OIE").

For community and support information, or to learn how to become involved in the project, visit the Support & Communications page.

Beyond the zOGI API (provided in XML-RPC and JSON-RPC) and WebDAV support special-purpose protocol bundles have been implemented to support specific application and to streamline common operations:

  • The AttachFS bundle provides HTTP clients simple access to documents, attachments, and workflow message content.
  • The Horde bundle provides a JSON-RPC API specifically designed to integration with the Horde web application suite.
  • The Vista bundle provides fast full-text search of groupware and workflow entities. Simple to use; JSON via HTTP GET.

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